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Father with his Son

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Request Wood Chips or Firewood


Would you like fresh wood chips or wood that you can cut into firewood?

As a service to our community, we deliver fresh chips and wood for firewood and hobbies to homes. In an effort to help defray the cost of this, we do charge $50/ load delivered.

Being a small company and being people that care about doing an excellent job, we know exactly what is in our chips.

Therefore, here's what YOU WILL GET in a load of chips from us:
- Wood chips
- Ground leaves

Here's what YOU WON'T GET in a load of chips from us:                        
- Trash.
- Empty bottles and cans.
- Dead animals.
- Logs.
- Poison ivy.

WOOD FOR FIREWOOD:                        
We're always looking for ways for the wood to be put to good uses.  Accordingly, we're happy to bring wood to you.             

Note that the wood will come in a variety of lengths and will most definitely need to be cut into the lengths that you use. This wood won't be cut into logs.                     

In the event you would like us to send someone to cut your wood into logs, we'd be happy to provide a quote for this work.

The deal:
You agree to pay us $50 for the cost and convenience of bringing you a load.           

You'll have a clearly marked place for us to dump the chips or wood, either on or next to a driveway or road.

You understand that this is provided on a first come first serve basis and that we reserve the right to not deliver a load for whatever reason (difficult access, etc.).

Would you like US TO BRING YOU WOOD CHIPS OR WOOD?  Complete the following and we'll contact you to schedule a DELIVERY.

What would you like?

*(Some plants are allopathic, which means they release harmful chemicals that can inhibit the growth of other plants and trees nearby. Naturally, you don't want wood chips from these species in your flower beds.)

We look forward to meeting you in person! Thank you, Charlie

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